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Treatments & Services

Therapeutic & Deep Tissue Massage

An integrative approach to massage and bodywork allows us to utilize the best aspects of many techniques and modalities, resulting in a  well rounded and truly therapeutic massage experience. According to the Mayo Clinic and The American Massage Therapy Association therapeutic massage can also help decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety by lowering cortisol and increasing serotonin as well as providing compassionate touch therapy. Relax the mind and ease chronic muscle tension with deep yet gentle bodywork. Experience increased range of movement with less pain!


Massage Cupping

Massage cupping is a technique that uses suction on the surface of the skin to draw inflammation and stagnation from the body to the surface where it is then flushed away in the lymph and circulatory systems. Some of the benefits of massage cupping include but are not limited to:


  • Clears Stagnation

  • Drains & Moves Fluids

  • Relieves Inflammation

  • Nervous System Sedation

  • Expels Congestion

  • Stretches Muscles and Connective Tissue

  • Loosens Adhesions in the Fascia


Cupping is gentle yet profoundly effective on the physical and mental bodies. Five minutes of cupping is equal to 30 minutes of deep tissue massage and can affect the tissue up to 4 inches into the body.


Pregnancy Massage​

Appropriate for all stages of pregnancy from the first trimester through to postpartum, this work is essential for relieving the pains and strains commonly associated with carrying a child. Side-lying and semi-reclined positioning assure your utmost safety and comfort! Please note that certain complications associated with high-risk pregnancy may require a medical release from your health care professional.

Thai Massage

Thai massage is a traditional therapy combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures and is performed on a floor mat while you remain fully clothed. Gentle pressure and stretching techniques are used to relax the whole body.

DFRTM Technique​

"Dynamic Fascial ResponseTM is a blend of structural therapies and foundational philosophy that produce a dialog of activation and response between the practitioner and the fascia. The response in the fascia releases holding patterns in the fascial body and, as a result, both physiological and emotional changes occur. This method resources and re-purposes stuck patterns and can heal trauma, relieve pain, improve posture and health and above all promote peace." -Chula Gemignani, CMT and Instructor and creator and of the DFRTM Technique.

Foot Lounge Experience

So often we find ourselves rushing through our day... rushing to appointments, running around at work, at home, on our days off... it's exhausting. And our feet largely take the brunt of all this hurrying. Our Foot Lounge Experience was created with this in mind, as somewhere you can land for 20 minutes (or more!) and just let go of the day for a few moments and show your self and your feet some care and appreciation. Sink into our soft and cushy vibrating massage chairs while the warm water infused with Dead Sea salts and soothing herbs (by local busines Bloom & Skye Herbal Remedies) soak away the stress of the day as you gaze out over our potted garden of Japanese Maples (courtesy of another local small business Focal Point Trees).

Tiny Yoga- NEW

Introducing a new approach to a more rewarding yoga practice! With class sizes of no more than four, you'll receive individualized instruction with personalized adjustments. This Yin Yoga class is perfect for all skill levels, so join us solo or bring along some friends. However, due to the limited class size, reservations are required. Give us a call to book your spot today or click on the button below.

Please bring your yoga mat, a block, strap, and bolster, a small blanket and water. If you do not have these items, we have equipment you can borrow.

Nutritional Coaching 

With Laurel Knee, Licensed Nutritionist

Nutrition is a lifelong journey and a nutritionist helps you create a road map and a tool bag for the voyage.
Working with Laurel is a no judgment, education focused experience. Let her help you create a personalized strategy with collaborative goal-making. Learn to use food to promote health and manage disease without eliminating the appreciation and pleasure of food. Whether you prefer a mathematical or more intuitive approach, Laurel Knee is here to guide you.

Nutritional Health Check-In/ Check-Up, One Time Visit

  • An assessment of current regular diet/eating plan

  • An assessment of current body morphology

  • Set preliminary goals and long term goals

  • Set focus/ choose path forward



Nutrition and the Path Ahead

  • Everything in the Nutritional Health Check-In PLUS

  • Weekly check-ins

  • Monthly re-assessments

  • Habit-building advice and support

  • Accountability coaching

  • This is a monthly subscription service, 3 months minimum


Laurel is available for consultations on Wednesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 10am and 6pm. Book your appointment through our online scheduling page by clicking the "Book an Appointment" button below or by contacting her directly at (916) 724-9230.

Pilates/ Corrective Exercise Training

Temporarily unavailable

With Patti Iorillo, certified in Pilates, Corrective Exercise, Orthopedic Exercise, SeniorFit, Cal. State ACSM, NASM, ACE

Does your body ache? Is poor posture causing you pain? Do you need basic core strength, balance, or joint-specific conditioning? Corrective Exercise through Pilates can help identify and realign imbalances and isolated weakness in the physical body, resulting in reduced pain, improved mobility, and a more balanced and well-rounded strength. 

Patti has been a Fitness Specialist for over 35 years, teaching a wide variety of venues throughought the Bay Area and in Auburn and Colfax.

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